How do I apply for a position at HAJC?
How will I know if I am being considered for a job?
You should receive an email notification once the recruitment and selection process is complete. If you haven’t received an email notification, then we haven’t completed the review process and a final decision has not yet been made. If you are selected to proceed in the recruitment process, additional information may be requested at that time.
What if I don’t have a computer or internet access?
You may visit our main office location at 2251 Table Rock Road in Medford, Oregon and pick up an application, fill it out, and drop it off at the drop box located to the right of our main office entrance door. If our office for an extended period of time, such as for COVID-19 safety, you may call 541.779.5785 Ext.:1054 and request an application be mailed to you.
Where are your jobs listed?
Our jobs are listed on our employment page and we use primarily use Indeed for recruitment.